Among all Fallout games, Fallout 4 has the most immersive crafting experience. By mastering the art of crafting, you can modify and create weapons for every journey.
To make it more interesting, there are quite a few crafting mods that will make your crafting experience better.
Enhance Your Arsenal with Weaponsmith Extended and Armorsmith Extended

There's no question why Armorsmith Extended and Weaponsmith Extended are two of the most popular mods in Fallout 4. They significantly expand the variety of weapons and armor pieces you can craft, enhancing the basic functionality of Fallout 4's crafting system.
These mods make exploring the crafting system a genuinely interesting pursuit, which in turn enriches the rest of the game.
Craftable Ammo: Fixing a Major Oversight
For whatever reason, the vanilla version of Fallout 4 didn't allow you to craft ammunition. While Fallout 4's DLC later addressed that shortcoming, it did so in a limited and often cumbersome way. This mod resolves that bizarre oversight by incorporating an ammo crafting mechanic that fits seamlessly with the base game.
Expand Your Factory with Manufacturing Extended
What the factory's functionality lacks in the game is what the Fallout 4's Contraptions Workshop DLC makes up for. The Manufacturing Extended mod makes this more entertaining, not to mention that it's just miles better than the original. It's simply a great improvement for those who enjoy manufacturing in the settlement.
These mods enhance Fallout 4's crafting system, making it more engaging and comprehensive. By adding new features and expanding existing ones, they transform the crafting experience and bring new life to the game.
For Pokemon Scarlet & Violet players, the new 7-star tera raid battle will soon be running in the game featuring Sceptile with the Mightiest Mark.
If you're familiar with this type of game mode, Tera raids are quite difficult to overcome and there's a need to cooperate well with the team if you're playing in co-op.
With that, Sceptile won't be just a normal Grass-type Pokemon here since it will feature his secondary type in his Mega Evolution form which is Dragon.
If you will miss the event from June 28 to 30, don't worry since it will come back on July 5 until July 7.
Ahead of this tera raid battle, we suggest you take down notes for our best counters against the Mighty Sceptile. We suggest you maximize usage for Flutter Mane, Sylveon, and Azumarill. You can also explore Magearna and experiment with its moveset.
We assume that Sceptile will have Dragon Dance since it's now a partly Dragong Pokemon with its Tera type. By saying this, we also guess that it's coming with Dragon Pulse. Since it's a natural Grass-type mon, Leaf Storm or Solar Beam will also likely come along with Sunny Day and Tera Blast.